Tips, resources shared with residents ahead of Cybersecurity Month

October marks Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a critical time to focus on protecting personal and organizational digital information from cyber threats. First observed nationally in 2004, this year’s theme – “Secure Our World” – emphasizes the importance of taking daily action to reduce risks when online and when connected to devices.

As part of the month-long public informational campaign, the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and government partners share “Four Easy Ways to Stay Safe Online,” which include:

“The Information Technology Department at the City of Norman is committed to enhancing digital security and protecting residents and city staff from cyber threats,” said Information Technology Director Tim Powers. “Through education, innovation and collaboration, we strive to build a safer and more secure online environment. During October and all year long, we encourage our neighbors to stay diligent and adopt best practices when it comes to cyber security.”

In today’s interconnected world, cyber threats are more pervasive and sophisticated than ever. From phishing scams and ransomware attacks to data breaches and identity theft, the need for robust cyber security practices is imperative. Cyber Security Awareness Month serves as a crucial reminder for individuals and organizations to enhance their cyber hygiene and safeguard sensitive information.

“Cyber threat actors often exploit urgency and deceptive tactics to manipulate their targets into making hasty decisions,” Powers shared. “By creating a sense of immediate risk or alarm — such as claiming an account breach or an impending deadline — these actors pressure individuals to act quickly without fully assessing the situation. Techniques such as phishing emails, fake notifications, and alarming messages are commonly employed to distract and mislead victims. This manipulation can lead to rash actions, like clicking malicious links or providing sensitive information, ultimately compromising security and facilitating further attacks. Awareness of these tactics is essential for individuals and organizations to protect themselves from falling victim to such schemes.  Always double check any urgent request, if possible, by personally seeking out the requestor.”

Learn more about Cybersecurity Awareness Month and access additional resources online through the Department of Defense. A City of Norman proclamation is set to be issued by Mayor Larry Heikkila at the Norman City Council Meeting of October 8, 2024, to bring additional attention to Cybersecurity Awareness Month and encourage all residents to stay aware.
