About the Plan


AIM Norman serves as an essential compass for our city's leaders and decision-makers. It's designed to capitalize on our community's strengths and identify fresh opportunities, all aimed at enhancing the overall quality of life in Norman.


AIM Norman covers a wide spectrum of city planning aspects, including land use, transportation, stormwater management, water infrastructure, wastewater, parks and affordable housing.

Community Vision

AIM Norman aspires to create a collective vision for our city's future. This vision is all-encompassing and inclusive, supported by every facet of our community, aligning with the values and aspirations of Norman's residents.

Infrastructure Synergy

To ensure that our infrastructure developments align seamlessly with the Comprehensive Plan's goals, we're updating related plans. this includes the Comprehensive Transportation Plan, Stormwater Master Plan, Water Master Plan, and the development of Wastewater Master Plans.

Affordable Housing Commitment

Recognizing the pivotal role of affordable housing, AIM Norman incorporates a comprehensive housing market analysis. It also outlines a strategic plan for addressing our community's affordable housing needs.

Community Engagement

Your involvement is the cornerstone of AIM Norman. We actively seek your input to ensure the plan mirrors the needs, desires, and collective decisions of our entire community. Your participation makes this plan truly representative and inclusive.

More Information

More information can be found at www.AIMNorman.com

Supporting Documents

2015 Comprehensive Transportation Plan

Center City Form Based Code

Cleveland County Hazard Mitigation Plan

Garber Wellington Aquifer

This section will be updated soon.

General Plan 1963

Historic District

Housing Market Analysis

Norman Forward Implementation Plan

Sign Ordinance

Storm Water Master Plan

Subdivision Regs

Sutton Wilderness Management Plan

University North Park

Zoning Ordinance