City of Norman Youth Council

What is Youth Council?

Youth Council promotes civic engagement, gives students an opportunity to learn about how local government operates, develops leadership skills, increases communication between youth and adults, and increases volunteerism.  It is vitally important that they are vested with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to be the next generation of local leaders.  Youth Councilors will work all term on an advocacy project.  They will meet and have conversations with City Officials as well as listen to presentations from City Staff tailored to the term advocacy project topic.  The Youth Councilors will present their advocacy project to City Council at the end of the term.

When are applications accepted?

Applications open March 18, 2024, and close on June 30, 2024.  Applications will be reviewed and the selected applicants will be formally approved by the City Council prior to August 2024.

What are application requirements?

  • Applicants must live in a Ward of the City of Norman. ward map
  • Applicants must be a high school sophomore, junior, or senior in the upcoming academic year and interested in local government.
  • Applicants must provide a completed application, including two letters of recommendation from a teacher, counselor, employer, minister, youth group leader, family friend, coach, or club advisor who is familiar with their service to the community and/or their leadership skills.
  • Terms will be for the school year (August to May).  A two (2) term limit will be imposed only if there are more applicants than spots available.
  • Applicants must be able to attend monthly Youth Council meetings that are held the second Monday (August, September, October, November, December, January, February, and April), at the TBD Monday in March accounting for Spring Break Vacation, at 4:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and the second Tuesday in May, at 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Youth Councilors will only be permitted two absences throughout the term.
  • A completed Youth Council Release form should be submitted prior to the first meeting of the term.

What are application considerations?

  • Includes at least one representative from both local high schools, private, charter, and home schools.
  • Includes students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Applicants should demonstrate a proven record of leadership, goal-setting, commitment to community service and community values, and a desire to create positive opportunities for other youth in the community.
  • Each Youth Council term will have sixteen (16) spots.