Monarchs in the Park

Monarchs in the Park

In 2019 we held the first Monarchs in the Park Festival to educate and celebrate with the citizens of Norman the value of the migration of the monarch butterfly. Come together with us, again, for the fourth time in 2024 for a festival featuring native plant sales, games and crafts, pollinator and gardening experts, demonstrations, food trucks, and a special pollinator parade for the whole family. Earn entries into a raffle for a butterfly bench from Ohana Butterflies to be raffled at the end of the parade!


The fourth annual festival will take place:
October 5, 2024
Andrews Park
10 AM - 4 PM

MitP Vendors


Communicate your message by providing a hands-on activity, exhibit or demonstration. Teach the importance of our monarchs and how to protect them; encourage wonder about the beauty of monarchs; talk about the value of a healthy community; show how to plant a helpful yard habitat, create art from recycled objects, share cultural stories and songs …the list goes on and on! Be creative! Make it fun! Games and door prizes are encouraged.

Register Online

MitP Sponsors

We are asking local businesses to help us make the annual Monarchs in the Park a special event that will continue to celebrate and inspire the Norman community to protect monarchs and all pollinators. Sponsorships will include social media coverage, t-shirt logos, and Monarch level supporters will be honored on the official Monarchs in the Park banner. All proceeds will go towards the annual event, and future pollinator events in the City of Norman. 

Register Online