City of Norman seeks public input on proposed transit service route changes

The City of Norman is seeking public comments on proposed transit service route changes planned for implementation summer 2023. This follows recommendations identified in the Go Norman Transit Plan, the City’s long-range transit plan approved by Council in June 2021 after nearly a year of development. More information about the proposed route changes, public meetings, and how to provide comments can be found at

“This is an exciting time for public transportation in our community,” said Taylor Johnson, Transit and Parking Program Manager. “After much planning and discussion, we are on the edge of seeing major improvements to our transit system that are years overdue.”

Three public meetings are scheduled to review the proposed route changes and receive comments. The first meeting will occur virtually on November 15 from noon to 1 p.m. The second will take place on November 16 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. at the Central Norman Public Library, 103 W. Acres Street, in the Oklahoma Redbud room. The final meeting will be held at the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 201 W. Gray Street, on November 17 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. More details about the meetings, including addresses and a link to the virtual option, are available at Comments can be submitted at the public meetings, online at the website, by postal mail, by phone at 405-307-7219, or by email at

“We are now ready to begin improving the transit service as promised to the citizen’s in 2019 when the transition of service occurred and the Public Transit Sales Tax was passed,” said Shawn O’Leary, Director of Public Works. “I encourage the community to join us at any of the meetings or submit comments using one of the other options provided.”

Comments will be accepted until November 21, at which time City staff will compile all of the feedback received, review them thoroughly, and make a final recommendation of proposed route changes to Council for approval. It is anticipated that this request to Council for approval will take place on December 13.

Questions may be directed to the City’s Transit and Parking Division at 405-307-7219 or
