Cleveland County Recycle Center Moves to Westwood Recreation Complex

The Cleveland County Recycle Drop-off Center has relocated to the Westwood Recreation Complex due to major renovations at the County Fairgrounds. Norman recyclers can find the new facility at 2430 Westport Drive just west of the tennis courts.

Residents can now drop off their recycling at any of Norman’s three recycle:

  • Westwood Recycle Center, 2430 Westport Drive;
  • Fire Station No. 9 Recycle Center, 3001 East Alameda Street; and
  • Hollywood Shopping Center Recycle Center, McGee Drive and Lindsey Street.

All Recycle Centers are now accepting glass in addition to aluminum, steel and tin cans, corrugated cardboard, newspaper, and plastics #1 and #2. Small diameter tree trimmings, grass, leaves and garden waste is accepted at the Compost Facility located at 398 Bratcher/Miner Road during their regular business hours.

The Norman Sanitation Division also anticipates the completion of a fourth Recycle Facility at the City of Norman Transfer Station in mid-November. The drop-off center, located at 3901 S. Chautauqua, will serve as the main hub for all three drop-off centers and accept scrap steel, used tires and clean lumber in addition to the regular recyclable items.

Residents are also reminded that the best waste is the waste that never comes into your home. When shopping, remember the four R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Refuse, then Recycle.

To learn more about recycling in Norman and other sustainable practices, visit