Councilmember Carter to Hold Town Hall on UNP TIF Monday

Ward 2 Councilmember Joe Carter invites Norman residents to attend a meeting on the history of the University North Park Tax Increment Finance District from 3 to 5 p.m. on Monday, November 23. The meeting will be held in Council Chambers at City Hall, 201 W. Gray Street, with staff in attendance to answer questions.

“The UNP TIF has been the most divisive issue in the city of Norman over the last 12 years in my opinion. Prior to being elected to City Council, I was intimately involved in the public relations campaign to stop the arena, end the UNP TIF, and balance the budget. Since being elected to City Council I have been involved in the decisions regarding changes to the development agreement between the developers and the City that governs the UNP TIF,” said Councilmember Carter. “I’m holding this meeting in an effort to aid in transparency and answer questions regarding the history of the last three years and the UNP TIF’s current status.”

Masks and social distancing will be required. Residents wishing to join virtually may do so via a live stream on the Ward 2 Facebook Page or via the City’s YouTube channel.