Diversity & Equity Dedicated Webpage

It is with great excitement the City of Norman announces its recent website update to include a dedicated webpage for all things Diversity & Equity. 

The City of Norman invites you to visit the Diversity & Equity Website housed directly under the Your Government tab. The information covered is intentionally designed to help educate, inform, and engage. “We continue to make progress on several upgrades across various internal and external functions to increase our Diversity & Equity visibility,” said Cinthya Allen, Chief Diversity & Equity Officer, “keeping communication at the forefront is critical to ensure everyone who is interested can find their way to engage.”

The new Diversity & Equity Webpage hosts information such as a repertoire of Diversity Dialogues, creates space for celebrating ways local impact is made in Norman, and provides many other informational pieces. One important tab to highlight is the How to get Involved tab. Here residents can visit links to view application forms for City of Norman Boards and Commissions, as well as information on external organizations with opportunities for involvement. 

A goal of this site is to provide information to include all our Norman residents, business owners, visitors, and any interested stakeholder in the journey of Diversity & Equity inclusion. The new Diversity & Equity Webpage will be updated periodically. 

Go to www.normanok.gov and click on the Your Government tab to find the Diversity & Equity page. Visit soon and often to stay informed.