New wayfinding signage installed around community

Contractors completing Phase 1 of the Wayfinding Master Plan

New wayfinding signage has been installed in recent weeks in an effort to ease navigation, promote tourism, support economic growth and celebrate community cornerstones. Installations are part of Phase 1 of the City of Norman’s Wayfinding Master Plan, an initiative originally adopted in 2013 in partnership with the Norman Chamber of Commerce and Visit Norman.

“Wayfinding signage quickly communicates available amenities, features and attractions to those exploring our city,” said Public Works Director Shawn O’Leary. “We’re incredibly excited to move forward with this project, which has been well received by Norman citizens and visitors since its inception.”

The wayfinding system focuses on three main zones: Central Norman, East Norman and West Norman. In the ongoing phase, expected to be completed by the end of January, 22 signs are set to be placed in districts and gateways that comprise parts of these zones. The project comes at a cost of $115,220 and is covered through capital improvement funds.

The pilot program took place in 2016 and included signage installation along Main Street and on streets between Downtown Norman and Historic Campus Corner.

“We prioritized working with key stakeholders and engaging citizens when constructing the Wayfinding Plan,” said David Riesland, City Transportation Engineer. “As a community, we delved into the importance of connecting people with places and we identified criteria for destinations that are eligible to be placed on wayfinding signage.”

A copy of the Wayfinding Master Plan can be found by clicking here and and Phase 1 signage locations can be found by clicking here.

Staff is identifying funding to implement Phase 2 in the near future, which will consist of signage on Tecumseh Road, Flood Avenue and Robinson Street.