Porter Avenue Narrows to One Lane in Each Direction Beginning This Weekend

Drivers should expect the following changes on Porter Avenue between Main Street and Johnson Street this weekend for ongoing work on the Porter Avenue and Acres Street Intersection 2019 Bond Project. These changes are expected to last through the first phase of construction work.

  • Porter Avenue will narrow to one lane in each direction between Main Street and Johnson Street as traffic shifts into the southbound lanes.
  • Left turns onto westbound Gray Street from northbound Porter Avenue will be removed.

Detour signage will direct northbound traffic on Porter Avenue to access Gray Street west of Porter.


History of the Project

On April 2, 2019, the citizens of Norman voted in favor of a Bond Issue to finance the local share of nineteen transportation improvement projects. One of the nineteen 2019 bond projects is the Porter Avenue and Acres Street Intersection Bond Project. 

The City of Norman conducted a bid opening on June 20, 2019, for the Porter Avenue and Acres Street Intersection 2019 Bond Project.  The low bidder was Rudy Construction Company of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in the amount of $2,600,996.65.  The City Council awarded the project at the October 27, 2020, City Council Meeting. This project has a 250-calendar day construction schedule, which will likely result in a late summer completion.  The city of Norman Public Works Department is administering the construction of this project, with the assistance of the Norman Utilities Authority.  The project is fully funded with 2019 Transportation Bond funds.


Proposed improvements for the Porter Avenue and Acres Street Intersection 2019 Bond Project include:

  • Revised geometry of the intersection to enhance traffic operations and pedestrian safety
  • New traffic signals with ADA compliant ramps and crossings.
  • New storm water structures meeting current City of Norman codes and ordinances
  • Dedicated left turn lanes to enhance traffic operations
  • Reconfigured access from Daws Street to accommodate intersection improvements at Porter and Acres
  • Utility relocations as needed to accommodate intersection improvements including new waterlines.
  • New ADA compliant pedestrian sidewalks adjacent to the roadway
  • Streetscape elements such as decorative lighting, sidewalk concrete and landscaping.