Water Rate Proposition statement and information

The City of Norman Water Rate Proposition failed on April 5, 2022, with more than 24,000 votes cast. Results showed 10,957 in favor of the proposition (45.41%) and 13,170 against the proposition (54.59%). Passage would have ensured funding for water infrastructure projects and initiatives.

Chief Communications Officer Tiffany Vrska released a statement regarding results:

The City of Norman respects the will of the people and will continue to provide the utmost levels of service with resources and funding available. Staff intends to identify funds as quickly as possible in order to move forward with groundwater treatment plans, per DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality) requirements. Although this may mean vast delays in other capital projects for Utilities, the health and safety of the Norman community comes first. Timelines concerning forward movement on the Advanced Water Metering initiative will be revisited and the public will be kept apprised of plans."

Run-off elections for the municipal offices of Mayor and Ward 4 City Council representative resulted in winners Larry Heikkila and Helen Grant, respectively. They will take office in July 2022.