
Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Comprehensive Transportation Plan?

Planning is the process by which a community assesses what it is and what it wants to become, and then decides how to make that happen.  A transportation plan addresses the relationship between transportation and land use, and helps implement community values and the ability to connect neighborhoods to destinations. The Plan will identify future transportation needs of the area, goals and policies, and short-term and long-term capital investments for improvements to existing roads, construction of new roads, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities. It will provide a framework for a balanced transportation system that offers choices in how people travel, supported by a realistic approach to fund improvements. Moving Forward will consider all transportation modes including vehicles, bicycling, walking, and public transit services.

Why do we need to Plan?

As congestion increases on area roadways due to growth, development, and more travel through the region it is clear that the current transportation network in Norman will not be sufficient to accommodate future needs and economic development opportunities. In addition, it is important to address alternative transportation options, and ensure consistency with the regional 2030 Oklahoma City Area Regional Transportation Study (OCARTS) and federal legislation. Beyond these reasons, long-range transportation planning makes good sense.  Planning involves citizens and key stakeholders, increases efficiency and effectiveness of investments, and promotes a broader range of transportation services and infrastructure design that is consistent with the desires and character of the community. 

Will I be able to add input to the process?

Absolutely! You may help influence the shape and content of the Comprehensive Transportation Plan by participating throughout the community listening process. The Plan is as much a process to engage the public in local decisions as it is to create a document for guiding development and community investment priorities. Four citizen sub-committees will be formed specifically to interact with staff and the consulting team during the review, analysis, and recommendations development stages of the Plan. There will also be two open house meetings, one after initial analysis and one after formulation of recommendations that will provide opportunities for citizens to review the Plan during its formation and to discuss the findings with staff and the consulting team. Opportunities to provide input through the sub-committee working group process include the following dates and locations (check back if date, time, or location shows as TBD). You are welcome to attend any of these meetings at your convenience.

Who is conducting the planning process?

A Steering Committee of Norman City Council members and a Citizen Visioning Committee of community members provided recommendations and helped to guide the development of recommendations and implementation strategies for the Plan. The City has also hired the firm of Freese and Nichols, Inc., to lead the consulting team effort to develop the Plan. Freese and Nichols, Inc., has assisted cities in the planning and preparation of community plans, transportation plans, and infrastructure design for more than 100 years.

What is the timeline? When will the Plan be completed?

The community listening process, including the various community meetings and opportunities to receive information through web sites and social media including the City of Norman Facebook page, and development of the transportation planning goals and policies were completed in early 2012.  The Norman City Council approved the contract to develop the full Plan in November 2012.  A draft Plan is expected to be ready for City Council review by the end of 2013.  The final plan was adopted by the Norman City Council on May 13, 2014.

Sub-Committee Work Groups

  • February 7, 2013, Norman High School Conference Center, 6:00 PM
  • February 18, 2013, Norman High School Conference Center, 6:00 PM
  • March 25, 2013, Norman High School Conference Center, 6:00 PM
  • April 25, 2013, Norman High School Library, 6:00 PM
  • May 23, 2013, Norman High School Conference Center, 6:00 PM

Public Meetings

April 15, 2013, Norman City Council Chambers, 6:00 PM (Open House)

September 26, 2013, Norman High School Library, 6:00 PM (Open House)

Contact information

For more information please contact David Riesland, City Traffic Engineer, at the City of Norman by telephone at (405) 329-0528 or by E-mail at