Stormwater Maintenance Division

What is stormwater?

Developed land greatly increases stormwater runoff

Stormwater refers to water that comes from rain, snow and ice melt. In undeveloped areas, the stormwater mostly soaks into the ground while vegetation helps to slow any runoff. In developed, or urban, areas, impervious structures like buildings, sidewalks, driveways and streets, do not allow the water to soak into the ground; instead, it flows across these surfaces in larger and faster amounts than we find in natural settings. This is runoff, and it can cause flooding and water pollution. 

The Stormwater Division is responsible for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the people of Norman by reducing the impact of flooding, erosion, and water pollution through the management, maintenance and improvement of the Municipal Separate Stormwater System, or MS4.

The MS4 consists of a series of underground pipes, open channels, ditches, and roadways used to collect or convey stormwater and are not connected to the sanitary sewer system. Water and other materials that enter this system are transported directly to our creeks and streams without any treatment.

Our major responsibilities include

  • Responding to citizen requests;
  • Providing for the management and maintenance of the MS4 for flood control purposes;
  • Performing erosion control and debris removal within publicly owned drainage ways;
  • Maintaining approximately 102 miles of storm sewers;
  • Maintaining bridges and culverts;
  • Conducting street sweeping on major arterial and collector streets;
  • Providing emergency disaster response related to flooding, winter storms, severe storms, and non-hazardous material chemical spills;
  • Providing right-of-way vegetation maintenance; and
  • Coordinating rural drainage improvement projects with Cleveland County.

Stormwater Staff

Program Administration

Stormwater Program Manager

Jason Murphy

(405) 366-5455


Administrative Assistant

Kim Freeman

(405) 329-2524

Stormwater Maintenance

Stormwater Supervisor

Hans Osgood

(405) 307-7278