Why is the City of Norman involved in composting?
The City of Norman recycles yard waste and produces compost. Our normal incoming yardwaste at our compost facility equates to 30,000 tons per year. Our annual compost production varies each summer, depending on the weather. Compost is available for Norman Residents at the facility. Please contact the Compost Site directly to inquire on availability, 405-366-5399
The compost is free to Norman Residents if you load it yourself. If it is loaded for you, there is a $10.00 per scoop loading fee (a scoop is approximately 3 cubic yards or 2,000 pounds). Norman Residents must provide a current City of Norman Utility bill.
Materials accepted: leaves, grass clippings and limbs (no longer than 4 ft. lengths and 2 inches in diameter). All contaminated loads (paper, rocks, bricks, and trash) will be rejected. You must be a Norman resident in order to dispose of yardwaste for free. Commercial businesses are allowed to dispose of yardwaste at a fee of $20 per truck/trailer load.
Learn the preferred and environmentally friendly ways to set out your yard waste at the curb!
Interesting Facts about Composting in Norman
- Our composting program was started in 1990.
- Over 10% of the City of Norman's total waste and recyclables is diverted to the compost facility.
- We use a natural process that does not require starters or additives. The compost is turned, and watered at certain temperatures and moisture content. It takes approximately 90-120 days to fully compost a row of mulch. This type of composting takes just a few days longer to produce, but provides a high quality compost at a low cost to residents.
398 Bratcher Miner Road
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Hours of Operation
April - Sept.
- Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Saturday 8:00 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.
- Sunday Closed
- Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
- Saturday Closed
- Sunday Closed